ALL HTML Semantic and basic Tags Table

All Html5 tags are:-

<!DOCTYPE>Defines the document type and version of HTML.
<html>Defines the root of an HTML document.
<head>Contains metadata about the document.
<title>Sets the title of the webpage.
<meta>Provides metadata about the document.
<link>Links to external resources like stylesheets.
<script>Embeds or links to JavaScript code.
<style>Contains inline CSS styles.
<body>Contains the main content of the webpage.
<h1>, <h2>, ...Headings of different levels.
<a>Creates a hyperlink.
<img>Embeds an image.
<ul>, <ol>, <li>Lists and list items.
<dl>, <dt>, <dd>Description lists and terms/definitions.
<div>Generic container for grouping elements.
<span>Inline container for styling or scripting.
<form>Creates a form for user input.
<input>Input fields within a form.
<textarea>Multiline text input.
<button>Clickable button.
<select>, <option>Dropdown list for selecting options.
<label>Represents a label for an input element.
<fieldset>Groups related form elements together.
<legend>Provides a label for a <fieldset> element.
<iframe>Embeds an inline frame for displaying another webpage.
<audio>, <video>Embeds audio and video content.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<svg>Embeds scalable vector graphics.
<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>Table and table elements.
<thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>Table sections.
<caption>Provides a caption for a <table> element.
<colgroup>, <col>Specifies column properties for a <table> element.
<hr>Horizontal rule (thematic break).
<br>Line break.
<strong>Indicates strong importance (bold text).
<em>Indicates emphasized text (italicized text).
<u>Underlines text.
<s>, <del>, <ins>Represents text that is no longer relevant or text that has been added or modified.
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation or acronym.
<address>Specifies contact information for the author or owner.
<time>Represents a specific time or a range of time.
<mark>Highlights or marks a section of text for reference or emphasis.
<code>Represents a fragment of computer code.
<pre>Defines preformatted text, preserving whitespace and line breaks.
<blockquote>Indicates a section of quoted content.
<q>Defines a short quotation.
<cite>Specifies the title of a work being cited.
<dfn>Represents a definition term.
<kbd>Represents keyboard input.
<samp>Represents sample output from a computer program.
<var>Represents a variable.
<sub>, <sup>Subscript and superscript text.
<small>Indicates smaller text, typically used for fine print.
<bdo>Overrides the text direction.
<wbr>Represents a word break opportunity.
<ruby>, <rt>, <rp>Ruby annotations for East Asian typography.
<details>, <summary>Disclosure widget for showing or hiding content.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<mark>Represents highlighted or marked text.
<time>Represents a specific time or a range of time.
<progress>Represents the progress of a task.
<meter>Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
<dialog>Represents a dialog box or window.
<slot>Placeholder for content in shadow DOM.
<template>Defines reusable content that can be cloned and stamped.
<ins>, <del>Represents text that has been added or deleted.

Most used Html tags are:-

<!DOCTYPE>Defines the document type and version of HTML.
<html>Defines the root of an HTML document.
<head>Contains metadata about the document.
<title>Sets the title of the webpage.
<meta>Provides metadata about the document.
<link>Links to external resources like stylesheets.
<script>Embeds or links to JavaScript code.
<style>Contains inline CSS styles.
<body>Contains the main content of the webpage.
<h1>, <h2>, ...Headings of different levels.
<a>Creates a hyperlink.
<img>Embeds an image.
<ul>, <ol>, <li>Lists and list items.
<div>Generic container for grouping elements.
<span>Inline container for styling or scripting.
<form>Creates a form for user input.
<input>Input fields within a form.
<textarea>Multiline text input.
<button>Clickable button.
<select>, <option>Dropdown list for selecting options.
<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>Table and table elements.
<thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>Table sections.
<iframe>Embeds an inline frame for displaying another webpage.
<audio>, <video>Embeds audio and video content.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<svg>Embeds scalable vector graphics.
<hr>Horizontal rule (thematic break).
<br>Line break.
<strong>Indicates strong importance (bold text).
<em>Indicates emphasized text (italicized text).
<u>Underlines text.
<s>Strikes through text.
<blockquote>Indicates a section of quoted content.
<code>Represents a fragment of computer code.
<pre>Defines preformatted text, preserving whitespace and line breaks.
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation or acronym.
<address>Specifies contact information for the author or owner.
<time>Represents a specific time or a range of time.
<mark>Highlights or marks a section of text for reference or emphasis.
<progress>Represents the progress of a task.
<meter>Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
<details>, <summary>Disclosure widget for revealing content.

All Html Semantic tags for SEO are:-

<header>Represents a container for introductory content or navigation.
<nav>Defines a section of navigation links.
<main>Contains the main content of the webpage.
<article>Represents an independent, self-contained piece of content.
<section>Defines a section of content within a document.
<aside>Represents content that is tangentially related to the main content.
<footer>Represents a footer for a section or the entire page.
<figure>Contains media content, such as images or videos, along with a caption.
<figcaption>Provides a caption or description for the content within a <figure> element.
<time>Represents a specific time or a range of time.
<mark>Highlights or marks a section of text for reference or emphasis.
<progress>Represents the progress of a task.
<meter>Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
<details>Creates a disclosure widget for showing or hiding additional content.
<summary>Provides a summary or label for the content within a <details> element.